We are using Alice's garage for the 'cellar scenes' and seeing as the majority of filming will take place in Alice's garage we needed to have a clear out.
We created space, and now the space we are using closely resembles a dark cellar!
Whilst researching the Fritzl event we discovered that Elizabeth had hung child's drawings around the Cellar, so we decided that we would do the same to create a similar effect!
Alice also managed to find an appropriate German news report which relates to the event and burnt it onto a DVD so we will be able to use this as planned! Now we need to get the Old television down in order to play the report.
The news report:
Now that we have successfully set up the set for the cellar our next step is to start filming, after a long evening we decided we will start filming on Friday (4th March).
We have made some slight changes to our filming schedule which shouldn't effect us a huge amount!
To finish this week we will film after school on Friday evening (4th March). We have also agreed with our teacher to take our double lesson on Monday morning (7th March) off and stay at home and film so that we can use Alice's garage. We will also film on the Friday evening of that week (11th March). If we haven't finished by this time, we still have the following week to film!
The first day of production was successful and i'm looking to getting on with the filming!
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