We now need to decide what order our scenes will be arranged.
We have begun to start putting our ideas together, and organise the sequence so we can get on with story boarding. We have decided it is essential to have a 'cellar scene' somewhere throughout the opening sequnce, but we were unsure where to to include this.
Between the three of us we decided that this was the most effective order for the sequence:
• Firstly there will be a black screen, with titles, however we will also hear sounds of metal doors 'clanking' and footsteps getting louder (giving the effect of someone getting closer and closer). This signifies that danger is coming (fritzl is on his way) Pottentially creating suspence.
• Next the scene of Elizabeths fades in, and we see a figure in a low lit room. The only source of light would be coming from the television (showing the news report).
• The noises will get louder (Fritzl will get closer) creating suspence. The first zoom into Elizabeth's eye will take place going on to show the first flash back.
• the first flash back/ memory will show a shadow appearing over a little girl holding her comfort blanket. We then see a shot of her father touching her shoulder as she clings onto her blanket. (we only see the male character from feet to waste)
We then zoom out to show Elizabeth panicking and quickly zoom back in.
• the second flash back/ memory will show a scene of teenage girls at a sleepover. Elizabeth will be distant from the other girls (who would most likely be talking about boys and sex) Again she would be cuddling he comfort blanket.
Another zoom out will show Elizabeth panicking further before zooming into her third memory.
• the third flash back/ memory would show a quick shot of a baby bump.
As we zoom out once again the camera will pan down from Elizabeth's eye to one of her hands where she is holding a scrap of material (which we are lead to believe is the peice of familiar blanket she ripped off when her baby was snatched from her by her father)
As the footsteps approach her Elizabeth cuddles the blanket as she did when she was younger.
A males arm reaches infront of the television (the only source of light) and switches it off, creating complete darkness.
The screen is Black again, just like the beginning of the sequence.
Now we have a clear idea of the order we will put our scenes we can begin to story board!
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